Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 4- Down 32 lbs

You can't see too much of a change in these pics. I had to put on 4 lbs during fat loading, so even though the difference between my lowest weight is only 6 lbs, I am really down 11 in the past week. My sideways pic isnt as good because I am a little bloated and having problems getting things moving....if you know what I mean (TMI). I am going to drink my smooth tea today and do an apple day to get my bowels back on track. Next week should be a great week!

We are finally getting family pics done Thursday, so its my goal to be down 5-6 lbs by then. I hope my weigh in on Sunday has me down 8-10 lbs from today, so we shall see! We head to Arizona on Sunday for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is going to be soo hard this year! I am going to be good and have a little dry turkey, I will make my own HCG cinnamon apple tart, and then i will have some veggies. I will probably skip out on my melba toast that day just to be safe

ps- my husband got a little close-up with the pics (I didnt want to fight him on taking more) and I am not wearing a bra with my tight shirt because I didnt want to lift the big girls too much and throw off the look of my stomach.